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envoNEWS | Middle East | August

EnvoNEWS Africa November

As the Middle East continues to be an important economic region in the world, awareness of sustainability has steadily increased. This monthly edition provides you with more locally-focused updates within the Middle East, so that you can remain easily up to date with changes in sustainable initiatives.

Oman to enforce nationwide ban on single-use plastic bags

From this year, Oman has announced it will ban the use of single-use plastic shopping bags. An initiative specifically aimed at protecting marine life by preventing single use plastics from reaching beaches and oceans.

UAE start-up turns unwanted palm fibres into compostable food packaging material

UAE-based start-up Palm Co has developed a method of turning fibre derived from palm trees into a sustainable and alternative food packaging material for farmers and retailers.

Young Gazans sell recycled cloth bags to challenge plastic

Dismayed by the plastic bags piling up in the Gaza Strip, a group of young Palestinians is recycling discarded fabric into reusable totes to clamp down on waste and protect the environment.

For more information, Click Here

Middle Eastern Beauty Lovers Demand Fine Print of Products Used

Given the nature of beauty and self-care applications, a surge in consumer interest regarding ingredient toxicity, sourcing and formulations has evolved over recent years in the Middle East. Beauty product consumers in the Middle East have begun to demand transparency in how sustainable their products are, showing a shift in a preference for cleaner products and companies.

To find out more on this, Click Here

National Climate Change Plan of the UAE 2017–2050

In 2017, The UAE government made a National Climate Change Plan in 2017 that addresses its management of emissions, adaptation to climate change and a diversification of its economy.
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