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EnvoNEWS | May 2022

envonews may 2022
It seems like 2022 started only yesterday, but we’re already at the end of the fifth month! May is named after the Greek goddess Maia who loved looking after plants. We’re not sure if humanity shares her passion because global deforestation rates aren’t reducing fast enough. According to a latest article by the BBC, tree planting must triple for the world to hit its environmental goals. Global greenhouse gas emissions, on the other hand, are actually increasing! Despite repeated warnings that have come in the form of the UN IPCC reports, the Earth’s CO2 emissions have just hit the highest recorded level in human history. At such times, we need more initiatives like the UK’s Flexible Plastic Fund FlexCollect project for the collection and recycling of flexible plastic packaging. Going from the UK to the South Pole, as scientists discover groundwater underneath the Antarctic ice sheet and we bring you the details.
The packaging industry recently saw an unprecedented demand for corrugated boxes, which is now subsiding. Taking its place, the demand for folding cartons is slated to exceed supply in 2022. Across the pond from the UK, a report from Rabobank discusses the 12-month inflation outlook in North America for packaging materials in light of the Ukraine war. In some good news, UK household brand Boots is ditching the sale of wet wipes that contain plastic and replacing them with plant-based materials. Ketchup giant Heinz is going to develop bottles made using wood pulp instead of plastic for its condiments.

Pro-Planet News

Earth's CO2 hits highest in human history

UK's Flexible Plastic Fund FlexCollect project

Discovery of ground water beneath Antarctic icesheet

Tree planting must triple to hit environment aims

Industry Insights

Boots bans plastic-based wet wipes from its stores

Folding Carton set to outsrip supply from 2022

Kraft Heinz's Paper-Based Ketchup Bottle

How inflation will affect packaging materials cost

Celebrating envoPAP's 7th year anniversary with the India team

Team envoPAP at COSMO PACK in Bologna,Italy

Tip of the (melting) iceberg: The UK Plastic Packaging Tax 2022


envoPAP’s Kraft Bold envelope was selected as a finalist in the ‘Social Stationery Product of the Year’ category at the Stationery Matters Awards 2022!

envoPAP has been selected along with 9 other innovative startups to join “Startupbootcamp’s FoodTech Tasmania Accelerator” beginning in mid-July in Launceston, Australia. After filtering through thousands of startups from around the world, the top ten were chosen to join the program through a rigorous selection process.

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envoCAST with Claudia Gwinnutt

For the next episode of the envoCAST, we’re joined by Claudia Gwinnutt, who quit a successful career in banking to help the beauty industry move away from single-use packaging. She founded Circla to provide sustainable and refillable beauty products to Londoners and took the time to speak to our Sales Associate Regan Callender about circularity, beauty and everything in between.

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