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envoNEWS | Europe | July

EnvoNEWS Europe October
This monthly edition differs from our usual monthly news segment. We have decided to provide more locally-focused updates, particularly within Central Europe, so that you can remain easily up to date with changes in sustainable initiatives. We have decided to collate notable initiatives recently taken with the aim of encouraging widespread sustainable practices.
The European Plastics Pact

The European Plastics Pact has the goal of promoting the reduction of plastic waste, of using fewer plastics for products and increasing the rates of recycling and reusing. The signatories work together towards four goals aimed at design, responsible use, recycling capacity and the use of recycled content via a common platform to maintain transparency.

As of the 25th March 2020, the pact has 114 signatories from 19 different European countries including Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia and Austria.

To find out more click here.

The State of Sustainability Around The World

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI), created by the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, assesses 180 countries on their environmental health and vitality of their ecosystems. European countries dominate the top 10 most sustainable countries worldwide – Switzerland (3), Austria (6) and Germany(10) are amongst those.

Click here to discover your country’s ranking.

Austrian Banks "Want To Make A Contribution to The Climate"

The Austrian banking association demands that green loans must be granted with specific measures and targets, as well as have a clear legal framework. The President, Robert Zadrazil, stated that “we as a sector must and should play a role in climate protection.” Thus, an analysis of the environmental impacts that companies have will be undertaken before investments occur. This push for green investment comes from the annual need of 260 billion EUR to meet the EU’s climate targets by the Austrian financial sector.

To read the article in German, click here.

World Economic Forum : Billions for sustainable investments – Germany’s plan for a green recovery

In light of the impact Covid-19 has had on the German economy, the government has set out a $145 billion recovery budget from which $46 billion will be allocated to sustainable investments. These investments will primarily be in areas such as renewable power and electric vehicles. This budget pledge toward sustainability is part of Germany’s long-term plan to become carbon neutral by 2050. The recovery budget is yet to be approved by parliament but the spending would help bring emissions down.

Click here for the full article.

Swiss Company, Migros, Will Facilitate The Recycling of Plastic With New Initiative

The Swiss company has been introducing from the 29 June collection bags for plastic packaging, beginning with Lucerne and with the aim of progressively expanding to their outlets in Geneva, Neuchâtel-Fribourg, Vaud, and Valais. These collection bags will be sold between 0,90 to 2,50 CHF, depending on their size. Christine Wiederkehr-Luther, head of sustainability at Migros, says that the money raised from the price of the bags will enable them to further invest in sustainable alternatives and solutions.

To read the article in French, click here.

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