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Sustainable Resolutions For 2021


2021 has just started! Can you imagine?We are going to make 2021 our best year yet! 2020 has been hard year with the world coming to a standstill and people and businesses slowing down to learn, pivot and reengage.Worried about the state of the world? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below some resolutions that would help fight against environmental damage and increase our personal sustainable impact. Yes, sounds very high level, but they’re not that hard. We promise!!With so many bright individuals taking up this fight for a better world, why not do your own part? Sure, you might not have the solution for the energy crisis, (or you might) but there are still so many things you can do.There is no correct way to do this, BUT LOWERING OUR CONSUMPTION IS THE MAIN GOAL HERE.Without further ado, here are some sustainability-focused resolutions for 2021

1. Eat Local

Our bodies adjust according to the climate and temperature we live in and are therefore very well-accustomed to the locally grown foods of a specific region. Additionally, transportation of exotic variants of foods uses large amounts of fuel which can be easily avoided. Plus, it’s pretty good for the local economy to support businesses around your area!

2. Take a bus, or cycle when you can, Or walk

Using public transport or walking to accessible places will not only lower your carbon footprint but also make us healthy in the long run.

3. Conserve energy

This is not a new idea but switching off electric appliances whenever they are not in use is very important.

4. Say no to Disposable

Carrying reusable cutlery or a coffee cup is easy, might be a bit annoying in the beginning, but you get used to it!

5. Buy Consciously

Lowering consumption is preferred but in case you do want to purchase something, weigh your options. Research a bit and choose the most sustainable option. The next time you purchase a gift for your friend, may we suggest a reusable coffee cup or a wooden cutlery set?

6. Use a handkerchief, not a tissue

Tissues are wasteful. Period. A handkerchief can be washed a hundred times and is the best choice for you and the planet.

7. Think second hand, be thrifty

With a lot of thrift stores popping up, shopping second hand is easier than ever. It is even in style right now. PLUS it’s so much cheaper!

8. BYOB - Bring your own bag

Running to the grocery store to buy food, bring your bag. Going shopping with your friends, bring your bag. Buying books from a stall, bring your bags. It’s 2021 folks bring your own bags everywhere!

9. Meal plan for the week

Meal planning has reduced food wastes and has lowered restaurant food consumption. Making meals in bulk, once a week, and enjoying home cooked delicacies is good for the planet and even your health.

10. Minimize packaging or select better options

Packaging wastes amount to nearly a third of total individual wastes. Choosing minimal packaging is important. And in cases where packaging cannot be completely minimized, selecting sustainable solutions is important. envoPAP packaging solutions are made from agricultural wastes and marine biodegradable, making them an efficient alternative to virgin paper packages. So maybe if you have the chance, tell your grocery store, your businesses about us!

11. Better yet, inspire your spouse or friend or a family member to switch too. The more people worrying about the planet, closer we are to achieving our goals.