envoNEWS | Africa | September

EnvoNEWS Africa September

As a region rich with resources, Africa remains home to the world’s largest free trade area and a 1.2 billion-person market, with the continent creating an entirely new development path. This monthly edition contains updates on sustainable initiatives in Africa at the moment, both within the Paper & Packaging sector and further afield within the sustainable sector. 

Africa: Circular Economy - Moving Africa Towards Environmental Sustainability

Recent analysis by the African Futures and Innovation team at the Institute for Security Studies forecasts that the pandemic is set to undo several years of development progress on the continent. The concept of a circular economy is a good starting point as it presents a shift away from the current linear take-make-waste extractive systems by designing waste out of the process. Products and materials are recycled, helping to conserve the environment and the planet’s finite resources.

Academics: South Africa’s land reform policies need to embrace social, economic and ecological sustainability

A recent study argues that current land reform strategies focus too narrowly on agricultural outcomes and transferred ownership. The strategies ignore something that’s critical for achieving social justice: the connections between people and nature. Socio-economic development and human well-being are intimately intertwined with ecological health. How people use land influences ecosystem function. This in turn determines future land use options for people.

Nigeria: Using the Pandemic to build a sustainable energy future

The COVID-19 recovery offers a particularly unique moment for the country to reset and accelerate progress on delivering sustainable energy for all. Nigeria’s recently released economic recovery plan has energy access embedded within it. A key provision in Nigeria’s plan is a commitment from the federal government to deliver and maintain 5 million new solar connections.

Africa’s fashion business is using new and traditional methods to reform as a sustainable industry

Local fashion industry insiders across Africa are exploring new sustainable solutions, and tapping into more traditional ones, that will enable them to stay afloat financially as well as protect the environment.
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